Wednesday 18 September 2013


  •          Need of Security  
  •          Hacking – Introduction  
  •          Hacker Communities  
  •          Types of Hackers. 
  •          Black Hat Hacker Strategies 
  •          Conclusion

  Need of Security :

  •    Increasing awareness of technology but not Security.
  •    Continuous Development & Competition in IT.
  •    Increasing use of Complex computer infrastructure.
  •    Increasing use of Network elements & applications.
  •    Decreasing level of skill set.
  •    Any Security breach in the website of any person increases the risk of the public image.
  •   Any Security breach in the website of any company increases the risk of the company reputation.
  •   Any Security breach in the any government website may increase the risk on project management and government operations.

 What is Hacking :

  •      Hacking is an art, it’s an Art of exploring various security breaches is termed as Hacking.
  •     But people believe : It’s an anti-society activity. : All the hackers are bad people.
        The terms Hacker and Hacking are being misinterpreted and misunderstood with negative  sidelines.

Communities of Hackers :

  •  Hackers
  •  Crackers
  •  Phreaks
  •  Script Kiddies

Hackers :

Hackers are the Intelligent Computer Professionals.


  •    To gain in-depth knowledge of a system, what’s happening at the backend, behind the screen.
  •    To find possible security vulnerabilities in a system.
  •    They create security awareness by sharing knowledge. It’s a team work.

Type of Hackers

  •  White Hat Hackers - They use their knowledge and skill set for good, constructive intents. They find out new security loopholes and their solutions.

  •  Black Hat Hacker - They use their knowledge and skill set for illegal activities, destructive intents. 

  •  Grey Hat Hackers - They use their knowledge and skill set for the legal and illegal purpose. They are white hats in public but internally they do some black hat work.



Crackers are those who break into the applications with some malicious intentions.


  •  To seek unauthorized access into a system and cause damage or destroy or reveal confidential information. 
  •  To compromise the system to deny services to legitimate users for troubling, harassing them or for taking revenge.
  •  Effects : It can cause financial losses & image/reputation damages, defamation in the society for individuals or organizations.

Phreaks :

Phreaks are those people who use computer devices and software to break into phone networks.


  • • To find loopholes in security in phone network and to make phone calls at free of cost!!!
  • • Effects : You may get a spoofed call or a big amount of bill.


Script Kiddies :

Script Kiddies are those people who lack technical knowledge to perform the various types of attacks but somehow they manage to get it done with the help of search engines.


  • • They use the available information about known vulnerabilities to break into the remote systems. • It’s an act performed for a fun or out of curiosity.

Black Hat Hacker Strategy :

Phases chart here ***
Include these lines in the chart, >>>>
So if you know how black hat hackers move, you know the answers of,
What to Protect & How to Protect



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