Wednesday 14 August 2013

50 interesting Fun Facts About South America

50 interesting Fun Facts About South America

What an absurdity to go and bury oneself in South America, where they are always having revolutions (Agatha Christie)
I remember one time we were getting ready to go to South America and everything was packed up and in the car ready to go and I hid and I was crying because I really did not want to go, I wanted to play. I did not want to go (Michael Jackson)
I’ve been to Japan. I’ve been to China. I’ve been to Africa. I’ve been to Middle East. I’ve been to Europe a little bit. I’ve never been to South America (Collin Quinn)
There was not a war in South America for 50 years, and I have every confidence that countries of Central and South America are deeply in earnest in the maintenance of peace (Frank B. Kellogg)

 The most peaceful country in South America is Chile

 South America is the fourth largest continent by landmass

 Sao Paulo, Brazil is the largest city in South America

 The largest lake in South America is Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela at 13,300 sq mi

 The main languages in South America are Spanish and Portuguese

 The world’s smallest orchid- miniscule orchid (2.1mm wide) was discovered in Ecuador, South America

 The most populous city is Buenos Aires in Argentina

 The economic gap in between the rich and the poor in most South American nations is considered to be larger than in other continents

 The largest remaining natural resource is the Amazon forest

 The wettest inhabited place on earth is Buenaventura, Columbia

 Brazil has the most internet users on the continent

 The largest salt lake in the world is Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

 The highest point in South America is Cerro Aconcagua in Andes in Argentina

 The most forested country in South America is Suriname

 The highest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls at almost 1000m

 More than 92% of the South American population are into Roman Catholicism

 According to the UN, the average life expectancy is 72 years

 20% of plants found to have anti-cancer properties are found only in the great rainforest of South America

 The driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile

 The highest capital city La Paz, Bolivia

 The highest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls in Venezuela

 The world southernmost inhabited community, Puerto Toro in Chile

 The country with the lowest literacy rate is Brazil at 86.4%

 The main religions are Roman Catholic and Protestantism

 The largest country in South America is Brazil

 The most corrupt country in South America is Venezuela according to Corruption Perception Index

 South America is divided politically into 12 Independent Country

 South America is connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama

 The two countries producing the most coffee in the world are located in South America

 Chile has the most newspaper journalists

 Six of the seventeen mega-diverse countries are found in South America (Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela)

 There are four operational Nuclear Power Reactors in Brazil

 The longest river in South America is the Amazon River, also the world’s second longest

 South America was named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci

 The heaviest snake on earth- the anaconda is found in South America

 Quinine, the first drug that was used to prevent and treat malaria is obtained from the bark of the tree called Cinchona that grows in Ecuador, South America

 The country with the highest military spend is Columbia- 3.4% of its GDP

 The highest commercially navigable lake in the world is the Lake Titicaca

 The tallest building in South America is Parquet Central Complex, Caracas, Venezuela

 Suriname is the smallest country in the continent

 South America is the fifth most populous continent in the world

 The most deforested country in South America is Ecuador

 The only South American to win Olympic gold in weight lifting is Marie Isabel Urrutia

 According to Global Peace Index, the least peaceful country is Columbia

 More than 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced in South America

 South America major resources are gold, silver, copper, iron ore, tin and petroleum

 South America is one of the most biodiverse continents on earth

 The independence of South America was secured by Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) and Jose de \San Martin (Argentina)

 The country to have won the highest number of FIFA World Cups is Brazil

 South America has nearly 26% of the world’s renewable sources of freshwater

 South America contains more than 40% of the world’s plants and animals species, in an area smaller than 15% of the earth’s land surface

 Argentina’s Patagonia has one of the highest wind energy potential on earth

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